Justice lives with and is doted on by her wonderful mom Jennifer Lambden and her littermate sister Daphne. We have so enjoyed having her back in our Monastic pack at her ' birth place' for her breeding adventure! She settled back in as though she'd never left- loving all of the attention from us along with her mom and littermate brothers - and Aunt Suzy!
As of July 2016 Justice is ranked the number four Mastiff Bitch and in the Top Ten with All Breed Points with very limited showing!
Always beautifully presented by Holly Leftwich or owner handled by momma Jennifer Lambden Justice has many wonderful attributes. She has heavy bone, a lovely front, nice shoulder layback, beautiful length of body and neck, excellent depth of body, lovely rounded thighs and second thigh- but what really sets her apart is her MOVEMENT. Justice moves with tremendous power but yet floats gracefully..almost like a giant cat. As a baby I fed Justice with a spoon in my lap when she decided that was more fun than weaning. She has never lost that cuddly sweet habit and mom Jennifer is always happy to give her a willing lap to snuggle in! She and her sister Daphne live together and really 'do it all' with their mom. They compete in working dog events as well as conformation, and live the very best of lives. In one of the show photos above Justice is shown at two years old- winning BOB and taking a Group Four at the Texas Working Dog Association Show in Summer of 2016 |